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Page 1 of 303    Listing of projects (total 3023 projects)
CDAD IDProject TitleStatusStart DateEnd DateBudgetCurrency
EP 0275 Reconstruction and revitalization of the street from the post office to the multi-propose playground in Vasilevo Completed 01.06.2018 31.12.2018 91.665,00 EUR
EP 0274 Реконструкција и ревитализација на улицата до повеќенаменско игралиште Василево Completed 01.06.2018 31.12.2018 91.665,00 EUR
EP 0272 Transparent governance Completed 10.07.2018 15.11.2019 387.000,00 MKD
EP 0271 Be a godfather to our association Completed 01.06.2018 01.02.2019 368.990,00 MKD
EP 0270 With greater transparency to greater impact Completed 01.07.2018 30.06.2019 403.600,00 MKD
EP 0269 Monitoring the transparency, accountability and integrity of public procurement at the local level Completed 10.07.2018 15.11.2019 384.850,00 MKD
USAID0003 Let's save the soil from pollution Completed 01.07.2018 30.06.2021 EUR
EP 0268 Efficient local institutions Completed 01.07.2018 01.03.2019 7.204,00 EUR
GBR 0094 Strengthening Western Balkans Regional Chevening Network by tackling common regional democratic challenges Completed 01.08.2018 28.02.2019 10.000,00 GBP
EP 0267 Analysis of public procurement in municipalities of Pelagonija region Completed 10.07.2018 15.11.2019 387.000,00 MKD
Page 1 of 303    Listing of projects (total 3023 projects)